December 10, 2010

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November 15, 2010

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August 07, 2010

Life without “FAMILY” my new book shortly on net.

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Hello friends now i am going to share my new book with you first time.

This book is about to tale the truth of real life.

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April 25, 2010


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GJ1214 exoplanet New Super Earth Discovered, Likely to Have Water

ESO/L. Calçada

In the unending search for another pile of floating rock as stocked with intriguing features as our very own earth, a Super Earth has been sighted 40 light years away. The new planet is suspected of housing water and it’s close enough that astronomers will be able to observe its atmospheric properties.

The find was made by the MEarth project, an Arizona undertaking that replaces the high-tech hardware often associated with space observation in favor of a team of small, independently adjustable telescopes pointed at a collection of M-dwarf stars.

The MEarth team was able to locate the planet due to shifting luminosity of one of the M-dwarfs and then notified another observation team at HARPS project, which was able to hone in on the planet and provide an estimate of its mass–6.55 times that of Earth. More importantly, the estimate of density indicates that the planet is less than half as dense as Earth, suggesting the presence of water


April 22, 2010

LEVI's Fouinder

Jacob Davis decided to patent the metal rivets idea.  He approached Levi Strauss and suggested they hold the patent together.  Strauss agreed, and the two men were awarded the patent on May 20, 1873.  This date is today considered the official “birthday” of blue jeans.

For almost 20 years, Strauss and Davis were the only ones allowed to make riveted clothing until the patent entered the public domain.  The two horse design first appeared in 1886.  In 1890, the pants were assigned the number 501.  Once the patent expired, other companies started making these riveted denim jeans.  In 1936, the red tab attached to the right rear pocket was introduced as a way to identify Levi’s jeans at a distance.

In the 1940s, jeans were worn by workers, especially in the factories.  Blue jeans became popular in the 1950s as a symbol of protest against conformity.  In the mid-1950s, Donald Freeland of the Great Western Garment Company introduced the technique of stone-washing denim.  In the 1960s, blue jeans became widely accepted, especially among the younger generation.  Their popularity continued into the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, and it continues today.  

March 06, 2010

EASY MATHS (West bengal psc paper)










March 05, 2010

EASY MATHS (Ratio Tricks)




January 26, 2010

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January 18, 2010

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January 10, 2010

Meditation Success Story

How  To Beat Stress & Anxiety Through A Little Known Meditation Technique!

If you are looking for a way to meditate that anyone can easily master and benefit from, then I am happy that you have found my BLOG. I was in the same boat as you. I had heard about the benefits that could be achieved through meditation but I felt confused with all the different types of meditation.

I just wanted to find a simple way that would reduce my awful stress levels and make me feel happier and more like myself again. My story will help you avoid the costly mistakes and save you lots of time. I hope you enjoy it!

I am going to tell you about my journey to meditation success. Exactly how I got there. I am going to tell you all of the amazing resources I found along the way that have made my journey much easier and successful.

Where I Started...

Back in 2007 I was working in a very high stress job and after many years of burning the candle at both ends my mind and body finally cracked and I went in to a horrible emotional meltdown of stress accompanied by horrible feelings of anxiety and dread, perhaps you have suffered stress or anxiety too at some point? If so, you may know how awful it feels.

Anyway, I urgently started looking for ways to fix myself up. It was a scary time, my mind felt really wacko and all over the place and I could not focus or concentrate on much at all. I actually thought i had lost the plot at one point :( I have since discovered that stress related disorders are the no.1 complaint to doctors and it can have weird effects on people, I think I must have felt them all at once. I would not wish those feelings on my worst enemy!

I looked in to just about everything you could think of including my doctor who among other things including pills recommended meditation and relaxation techniques. Over the next few months, I tried some weird and wonderful meditation systems that promissed the earth but never had the results I desperatly needed. Looking back I probably spent well over $3000 on different meditation techniques. Some of them required the discipline of 3-6 hours a day to practice. Wowzers, I felt horribly stressed out but I did not have time for this, I still had to make a living for my family.

Well, after weeks of frantic searching, by a bit of a luck actually, I stumbled accross a little known scientific based technique called Brainwave Entrainment meditation. This technique looked amazing to me as it did not take the years of zen like meditation practice to get quick results. It promissed the deep meditation benefits instantly. And the most exciting thing for me was all the scientific papers, tests, and many doctors who where recommending it. I always feel more comfortable when scientists have validated something.

I was excited to read about this modern technique but at the same time even with all the science based proof I was still very skeptical of any hi-tech meditation technique that promissed so many instant benefits, especially something I had found from the internet. Looking back now, this skeptical attitude may have cost me the utter bliss that I now experience every day. I am SO glad I looked in to this further.

After doing a little research about brainwave entrainment meditation, I decided to give it a try.

The Bad Part....

Okay, here is the part I messed up in. Like I said, I did a "little research" and decided to try out this brainwave entrainnment meditation thing.

Well I did not do enough research as i should have. I jumped in with both feet and ended up spending a few hundred dollars at different online meditation websites. I regretted most of my purchases as soon as I tried the products. If you are going to try this. DON'T make the same costly mistakes as me.

I then decided to fully research brainwave entrainment and discovered that there was tons of scammy products that said they incorporated the brainwave entrainment meditation technique but did nothing of the sort.

It would have been great to have someone to point me in the right direction at this point.

This Is Where It Gets Good...

So after all of this loss of money, wasted time and even more stress, I was just about to give it all up. No more failed techniques or false hope. I would just have to get some nasty little pills from my doctor like everyone else. I hated the idea of this. (Pills are SO un-natural and I had always been against them unless it was an absolute must)

It was kind of weird what happened next, a few weeks later, I was checking my work email one morning and I found a new email from someone who I had been in contact with about meditation. It was weird because I never gave my work email to any online website.

Anyway, this guy "Michael Mackenzie" was offering a free sample of his new "Brainwave Entrainment" meditation technique. The thing was this was the same guy who had been the most helpful and kind in giving me free, honest advice about meditation in the past few months - I guess I just trusted him at a gut level. This was probably the only reason I actually went ahead and tried Michael's free sample of LifeFlow meditation 2.0

I am SO glad I gave brainwave entrainment meditation one last try. I remember the day so vividly, I arrived home from work at about 7.30 and before eating I decided to give this LifeFlow meditation track a test drive. I was not expecting much to be honest after all my other failed attempts. It could not be worse than the others I had tried I thought.

Boy was I in for a shock, an amazingly nice shock though :) Excuse my language but holy S**T, this thing was unbelievable, it was as though my feelings of stress just evaporated after about 7 minutes of just laying down on my bed with my headphones and listening to amazing 3D sounds of nature, I just felt so focused and clear minded too. The levels of bliss and deep relaxation was nothing like I had ever experienced. YES, I had found something that actually worked.

In a nutshell, these LifeFlow meditation audios that I had discovered utilized precise audio frequencies that gently guided my brainwaves from a stressful and anxious BETA brainwave state in to extremly peaceful meditative states of THETA & DELTA.

Many people who have meditated for years and years never achieve these blissful states of mind. I was seriously bowled over with the positive and instant results. It actually felt like I had an unfair advantage over all the meditators who spent hours per day in highly disciplined lotus positions, I guess that's why I now like to tell anyone who will listen about this.

Allthough the initial experience was amazing, little did I know on that first day that 14 months on I would be one of the happiest & most chilled out dudes around. LifeFlow meditation has nothing short of turned my life around and I am so grateful that I gave it a shot.

Today I feel calmer, more peaceful, more confidence in all areas of my life, I feel more assertive, I also feel like a much nicer person to be around and my stress and anxiety are a distant memory.

I tell them to try Lifeflow meditation for themselves and many are now raving on about it too. It's amazing to see them all getting great results and changing themselves for the better -- I love helping them beat their own stress and feel happy too :) It's the best gift I can think of in the world.

My Advice To You....

If you want to experience the many amazing benefits of meditation without all the hard work 
and years of dedication, brainwave entrainment is a great way to do that. I will tell you this now; Lifeflow meditation will give you the results faster than anything else I have tried. Since starting, I have discovered that this technique is the most advanced technology available right now. If you look in to it, you will discover the same facts.

I love helping people beat stress and feel true inner peace & happiness. So if you join Lifeflow meditation program, you can just look me up on the forum. My forum member name is "Peaceful Warrior". I would be more than happy to help you with anything you need about meditation.

Thank you for reading my story and I hope I have helped you find your way to experience true bliss and happiness through meditation. You can find a diamond technique now and then and not all meditation is hard work and takes the patience of a saint.


I hope you enjoyed my meditation story, i hope it helps you avoid the costly mistakes and wasted time. Your comments are appreciated below. Good luck